by admin | Feb 24, 2020 | Press
LAS VEGAS (FOX5) — City officials unveiled the latest downtown Las Vegas makeover: an alley meant for trash was transformed into a tourist attraction. The effort by the dt Alley Community Coalition renovated the pathway behind a stretch of popular Fremont Street...
by admin | Feb 24, 2020 | Press
The T-shaped alleyway that runs behind a row of bars and restaurants on Fremont East has never been the type of area a visitor would think to explore. The tall, narrow walls that border businesses located between Las Vegas Boulevard, Sixth Street, Fremont Street and...
by admin | Feb 12, 2020 | Press
A piano. A puppet show. A give a book, get a book box. These are just a few of the interactive displays coming to a downtown alleyway that was previously known for drugs and dirt. Eight years ago, it started as an idea for one Las Vegas man and now, it’s finally...
by admin | Feb 10, 2020 | Press
拉斯維加斯市府與非營利企業dT Alley共同在城中區將開發的巷道公眾廣場,計畫圖已出爐,占地1萬呎的廣場,會有許多巨幅藝術作品,明亮的LED燈光,提供給城中區居民一處新的活動空間 新巷道公眾廣場...
by admin | Feb 8, 2020 | Press
DT ALLEY COMMUNITY COALITION DEBUTS dT-ALLEY LAS VEGAS’ FIRST EVER ALLEY REVITALIZATION PROJECT Permanent Interactive Community Space in a “T”-shaped Alleyway Premieres in the Heart of DTLV Formal Ribbon Cutting & Destination Grand Opening with Mayor Goodman...
by admin | Feb 8, 2020 | Press
LAS VEGAS (FOX5) — A once-trash-filled alley in Downtown Las Vegas is set to transform into… View segment